The drug Glucomin is prescribed to adults for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Glucomin is used as an addition to the main therapy with insulin or other antidiabetic drugs, as well as as monotherapy (for type 1 diabetes, it is used only in combination with insulin). It is especially recommended in the presence of concomitant obesity in cases where the necessary control of blood glucose levels is not achieved through adequate physical activity or diet alone.
Active ingredient: metformin 850 mg
Prescription medicine.
Действующее вещество | Метформин |
Дозировки | Metformin 850 |
Рецепт | Необходим |
Аналоги | Диаформин |
Температура хранения | До 25 Градусов |
Цена за пересылку | До 2 Кг 50 $ |